Charity Bibs

How does a Charity Bib Work?

A charity bib is a way for you to gain free entry into one of the NavajoYES events (Monument Valley Ultra, Shiprock Marathon & Half, Monument Valley Veteran’s Marathon and Four Corners Quad Keyah), or one of our partner events: Antelope Canyon Ultra, Trail Fest and Lake Powell Half Marathon.  You run free and support a good cause at the same time: a true win-win!

Once you register for a charity bib, you will be automatically prompted to set up a fundraising page through Wander Project’s fundraising platform. From here, Wander Project and NavajoYES will give you the tools and resources needed to engage your friends and family in your fundraising efforts to support NavajoYES’ work with our Dine’ Bike Project, trails, outings and community outreach. You’ll have support from Wander Project every step of your fundraising process!

Plus, all charity bib runners receive a ton of cool NavajoYES swag (including dreamcatchers, pottery, art, hoodies, jackets, pints, beanies, sports towels and caps) as an additional way in which we say THANK YOU for your efforts on our behalf!
Contact us at 928-429-0345 or 505-686-2300 if you want to pursue a charity bib for one of the upcoming races.

Fundraising commitments range from $500-$5,000 depending on the event. Please understand that by signing up for a charity bib, you are making a serious commitment to raise the amount you agreed to. If you are not able to meet the minimum fundraising amount by the week of the race, you will be required to pay the difference. All donations are final.

Once you raise your minimum commitment you will be signed up and can participate in the event!
We look forward to seeing you turn your passion into purpose and make a difference in the world!
Sign up now: